Monday 6 June 2011

Top Tips to improve your Golf swing

Here at the Primal Movement Clinic, we have been helping the frustrated golfer for quite some time... So help is here!

Believe it or not, choosing the correct exercise is absolutely key in developing a good quality golf swing. Exercise as a result, can therefore make or break your golf game. Golf is about postural endurance, rotation, acceleration, deceleration, strength and having the ability to effectively shift your body weight from one leg to the other.

Golf is an open and closed chain, free movement based sport, therefore training on machines in the gym is fairly futile if you are trying to optimise your golf swing. Gym machines force you to train in limited planes of motion as this is the only movement that they will allow your body to do. When you sit in a machine, your central nervous system becomes dampened as there is literally no stability required and as a result, no postural muscle excitation. Machines oppose postural muscle tone and prevent stabiliser muscle activation, and they more often than not isolate muscle groups. When playing Golf, or any other sport for that matter, it is impossible to isolate muscle groups, so why would you train your body to do the opposite to what is actually required in your given sporting environment?

Muscles are designed and developed from our time as a developing embryo, to act as functional, connected units. Using machines will decrease and inhibit these connections, working against all the principles that a good golf swing works with. If you look at Golf simplistically, all you are doing is swinging a stick with a weight on the end, with the aim of hitting in the direction you are pointing and making the distance you desire. The Golfer therefore should train accordingly to move this weighted stick as accurately, precisely, using the most optimal power to weight ratios as possible.

Here at the Primal Movement Clinic, we provide our clients with the skills to improve their golf swing. Muscular strength, stability, and muscular length assessments will discover what muscles are hindering your game. We then accordingly provide our clients with a system to address these deficiencies. We then will target these areas to maximise your Golf games potential:

1. Improve your flexibility with a personalised stretching programme

2. Improve your posture alignment and endurance

3. Improve your game by reducing stiffness and pain

4. Eliminate faults in your swing, we can do this with the help of your golf pro.

5. Increase your strength to generate more power in your swing

6. Avoid common causes of injury

Use us to help you improve your Golf swing!

We Are Primal

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